DISCLAIMER: I did read the rubrics and I know this post doesn't follow the rubrics. However, since this is the last post, I really want to share something more personal that I have truly learnt from this module. Hope it's all right. =)
The first thing that I must say about ES2007S is that it's one of the most special module I've taken in NUS. Apart from MANY communication skillsets and some corporate related skills that we've learnt in this module, to me, the module has taught me something precious that I have not expected when I registered for this module—learning.
Discipline in learning
Lesson Learnt: Ok, it's the end of the module, I'll just confess it! I really DISLIKE blogging, especially the part which we need to comment on other people's blogs. Since young, I have problems in expressing my personal thought/opinions in a coherent and logical manner through writing. To show you just how bad I am with writing -- the only 2 Arts module that I've ever taken in NUS were both S/U-ed (after hard work) due to the unbearable result. Business proposals and technical reports are fine, but not stories, reflections or anything close to that. Usually, the thoughts and opinions came in an entangled and messy form and it takes me great effort to re-arrange my thoughts before presenting them.
Blogs and blog comments were great pain. Every blog took me an average of 3 hours. 250 words for 3 hours? I think I was just retarded. Zig Ziglar said that "It was character that got us out of bed (and start blogging), commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through." It's very true for me. The weekends before with blogging assignments were stress-filled. Nevertheless, because of the 3 hours of hard work each time, I am getting better at processing my thoughts and ideas now. All in all, I've learnt through this blogging journey that -- in order to learn your hardest lesson, only two things are required— complete willingness and great discipline.
Action Step: Well, though I did posted my blogs, I didn't synthesize much comments on most of your blogs. Truthfully speaking, I always found myself reading through the blog posts for 2 – 3 rounds, but just still can't find things to comment about. It usually just ended up with me closing the browser and tell myself that I will do it tomorrow. Well, tomorrow never came...even the 20% assessment on blogs and can't launch me into action. However, as I was thinking hard about writing this blog, a reflection on Ziglar's quote told me that it's time to get out of bed again! So, I decided that I should be committed to comment on your blogs if I want to learn how to. So, expect some overdue comments on your blogs soon. It might not be too useful, but well, let's just say that it's more for my benefits than yours...
Learning through different modes
Lesson Learnt: During my 3.5 years of learning experience in NUS, many lessons (academic, technical, skills) that I've learnt came from downloading information from lectures, tutorials, books, articles, etc. During ES2007S lesson, I'm learning new things through a whole new way! During our classes, I experienced learning through:
- Experience: mock-interview, elevator test, spontaneous presentations.
- Conversation: through some of the conversations and discussions we have during the class, I learnt about new concepts and find these concepts much more memorable than those learnt through lectures.
- Group project: projects in many of the modules are platforms for apply our knowledge, but not for learning. However, in both the peer-teaching and research project, I realized that I've learnt much more than I've actually applied my knowledge. I gained much insights on the area of my research, the way to do certain things, etc.
- Observation: the opportunities to observe each other doing presentation helps me to learn many new things about presentation.
- De-briefing and peer reviews: Something that I really appreciate about our lessons is that learning took place not only through the experience itself. If you can re-call, for every assignment, Brad will have a de-brief session with the class. This helped to enhanced the whole learning experience by consolidating the learning points. Besides, receiving feedbacks from each other helped me to process my own thoughts as well.
I was aware of these different learning platforms since long time ago but have not internalised them personally. Although I experienced these activities before, but those were rather dull and formal and therefore it didn't occur to me that I can learn through these platforms. Besides, I guessed the mono-directional learning experience in the last 3 years had more or less crossed out these learning modes from my learning journey. The turning point came when I took ES2007S. In the lessons, we were engaged to learn through these platforms in a very casual and fun way. I am truly grateful that I have learnt how to learn through these multiple modes.
Action step: My learning experience in ES2007S is a "proof-of-concept" to convince myself that learning can take place in so many ways. Having to learnt this, I shall now more intentionally engage in learning through these modes and activities, so that I can enhance my learning capacity and not discount myself from any opportunity to learn!
This is a LONGGGGGGGGGGG post. I hope you've enjoy reading it. To sum it up, ES2007S opened up a whole new window in my journey of learning. ES2007S has equipped me with the most important skill in the marketplace -- LEARNING. I am really grateful that I took it before my graduation and I am much better in learning than I was before!
Last but not least, I am very grateful to be in the class with all you folks! You guys make the class so noisy and fun! You guys rock my socks off!!!
P/S: I started writing this on Sunday morning...but only completed it on Tuesday night =_=!